Source code for abydos.stemmer._porter2

# Copyright 2014-2020 by Christopher C. Little.
# This file is part of Abydos.
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Porter2 (Snowball English) stemmer

from unicodedata import normalize

from deprecation import deprecated

from ._snowball import _Snowball
from .. import __version__

__all__ = ['Porter2', 'porter2']

[docs]class Porter2(_Snowball): """Porter2 (Snowball English) stemmer. The Porter2 (Snowball English) stemmer is defined in :cite:`Porter:2002`. .. versionadded:: 0.3.6 """ _doubles = {'bb', 'dd', 'ff', 'gg', 'mm', 'nn', 'pp', 'rr', 'tt'} _li = {'c', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'h', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'r', 't'} # R1 prefixes should be in order from longest to shortest to prevent # masking _r1_prefixes = ('commun', 'gener', 'arsen') _exception1dict = { # special changes: 'skis': 'ski', 'skies': 'sky', 'dying': 'die', 'lying': 'lie', 'tying': 'tie', # special -LY cases: 'idly': 'idl', 'gently': 'gentl', 'ugly': 'ugli', 'early': 'earli', 'only': 'onli', 'singly': 'singl', } _exception1set = { 'sky', 'news', 'howe', 'atlas', 'cosmos', 'bias', 'andes', } _exception2set = { 'inning', 'outing', 'canning', 'herring', 'earring', 'proceed', 'exceed', 'succeed', } def __init__(self, early_english=False): """Initialize Porter2 instance. Parameters ---------- early_english : bool Set to True in order to remove -eth & -est (2nd & 3rd person singular verbal agreement suffixes) .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ self._early_english = early_english
[docs] def stem(self, word): """Return the Porter2 (Snowball English) stem. Parameters ---------- word : str The word to stem Returns ------- str Word stem Examples -------- >>> stmr = Porter2() >>> stmr.stem('reading') 'read' >>> stmr.stem('suspension') 'suspens' >>> stmr.stem('elusiveness') 'elus' >>> stmr = Porter2(early_english=True) >>> stmr.stem('eateth') 'eat' .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.3.6 Encapsulated in class """ # lowercase, normalize, and compose word = normalize('NFC', word.lower()) # replace apostrophe-like characters with U+0027, per # word = word.replace('’', "'") word = word.replace('’', "'") # Exceptions 1 if word in self._exception1dict: return self._exception1dict[word] elif word in self._exception1set: return word # Return word if stem is shorter than 3 if len(word) < 3: return word # Remove initial ', if present. while word and word[0] == "'": word = word[1:] # Return word if stem is shorter than 2 if len(word) < 2: return word # Re-map vocalic Y to y (Y will be C, y will be V) if word[0] == 'y': word = 'Y' + word[1:] for i in range(1, len(word)): if word[i] == 'y' and word[i - 1] in self._vowels: word = word[:i] + 'Y' + word[i + 1 :] r1_start = self._sb_r1(word, self._r1_prefixes) r2_start = self._sb_r2(word, self._r1_prefixes) # Step 0 if word[-3:] == "'s'": word = word[:-3] elif word[-2:] == "'s": word = word[:-2] elif word[-1:] == "'": word = word[:-1] # Return word if stem is shorter than 2 if len(word) < 3: return word # Step 1a if word[-4:] == 'sses': word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] in {'ied', 'ies'}: if len(word) > 4: word = word[:-2] else: word = word[:-1] elif word[-2:] in {'us', 'ss'}: pass elif word[-1] == 's': if self._sb_has_vowel(word[:-2]): word = word[:-1] # Exceptions 2 if word in self._exception2set: return word # Step 1b step1b_flag = False if word[-5:] == 'eedly': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'ingly': if self._sb_has_vowel(word[:-5]): word = word[:-5] step1b_flag = True elif word[-4:] == 'edly': if self._sb_has_vowel(word[:-4]): word = word[:-4] step1b_flag = True elif word[-3:] == 'eed': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-1] elif word[-3:] == 'ing': if self._sb_has_vowel(word[:-3]): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True elif word[-2:] == 'ed': if self._sb_has_vowel(word[:-2]): word = word[:-2] step1b_flag = True elif self._early_english: if word[-3:] == 'est': if self._sb_has_vowel(word[:-3]): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True elif word[-3:] == 'eth': if self._sb_has_vowel(word[:-3]): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True if step1b_flag: if word[-2:] in {'at', 'bl', 'iz'}: word += 'e' elif word[-2:] in self._doubles: word = word[:-1] elif self._sb_short_word(word, self._r1_prefixes): word += 'e' # Step 1c if ( len(word) > 2 and word[-1] in {'Y', 'y'} and word[-2] not in self._vowels ): word = word[:-1] + 'i' # Step 2 if word[-2] == 'a': if word[-7:] == 'ational': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 7: word = word[:-5] + 'e' elif word[-6:] == 'tional': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 6: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2] == 'c': if word[-4:] in {'enci', 'anci'}: if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-1] + 'e' elif word[-2] == 'e': if word[-4:] == 'izer': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-1] elif word[-2] == 'g': if word[-3:] == 'ogi': if ( r1_start >= 1 and len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3 and word[-4] == 'l' ): word = word[:-1] elif word[-2] == 'l': if word[-6:] == 'lessli': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 6: word = word[:-2] elif word[-5:] in {'entli', 'fulli', 'ousli'}: if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-2] elif word[-4:] == 'abli': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-1] + 'e' elif word[-4:] == 'alli': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] == 'bli': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-1] + 'e' elif word[-2:] == 'li': if ( r1_start >= 1 and len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2 and word[-3] in self._li ): word = word[:-2] elif word[-2] == 'o': if word[-7:] == 'ization': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 7: word = word[:-5] + 'e' elif word[-5:] == 'ation': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] + 'e' elif word[-4:] == 'ator': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-2] + 'e' elif word[-2] == 's': if word[-7:] in {'fulness', 'ousness', 'iveness'}: if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 7: word = word[:-4] elif word[-5:] == 'alism': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] elif word[-2] == 't': if word[-6:] == 'biliti': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 6: word = word[:-5] + 'le' elif word[-5:] == 'aliti': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'iviti': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] + 'e' # Step 3 if word[-7:] == 'ational': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 7: word = word[:-5] + 'e' elif word[-6:] == 'tional': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 6: word = word[:-2] elif word[-5:] in {'alize', 'icate', 'iciti'}: if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'ative': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-5] elif word[-4:] == 'ical': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-2] elif word[-4:] == 'ness': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-4] elif word[-3:] == 'ful': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-3] # Step 4 for suffix in ( 'ement', 'ance', 'ence', 'able', 'ible', 'ment', 'ant', 'ent', 'ism', 'ate', 'iti', 'ous', 'ive', 'ize', 'al', 'er', 'ic', ): if word[-len(suffix) :] == suffix: if len(word[r2_start:]) >= len(suffix): word = word[: -len(suffix)] break else: if word[-3:] == 'ion': if ( len(word[r2_start:]) >= 3 and len(word) >= 4 and word[-4] in tuple('st') ): word = word[:-3] # Step 5 if word[-1] == 'e': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 1 or ( len(word[r1_start:]) >= 1 and not self._sb_ends_in_short_syllable(word[:-1]) ): word = word[:-1] elif word[-1] == 'l': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 1 and word[-2] == 'l': word = word[:-1] # Change 'Y' back to 'y' if it survived stemming for i in range(0, len(word)): if word[i] == 'Y': word = word[:i] + 'y' + word[i + 1 :] return word
[docs]@deprecated( deprecated_in='0.4.0', removed_in='0.6.0', current_version=__version__, details='Use the Porter2.stem method instead.', ) def porter2(word, early_english=False): """Return the Porter2 (Snowball English) stem. This is a wrapper for :py:meth:`Porter2.stem`. Parameters ---------- word : str The word to stem early_english : bool Set to True in order to remove -eth & -est (2nd & 3rd person singular verbal agreement suffixes) Returns ------- str Word stem Examples -------- >>> porter2('reading') 'read' >>> porter2('suspension') 'suspens' >>> porter2('elusiveness') 'elus' >>> porter2('eateth', early_english=True) 'eat' .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return Porter2(early_english).stem(word)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()