Source code for abydos.corpus._ngram

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2014-2018 by Christopher C. Little.
# This file is part of Abydos.
# Abydos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Abydos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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The NGram class is a container for an n-gram corpus

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from codecs import open as c_open
from collections import Counter
from math import log10

from six import text_type
from six.moves import range

from ._corpus import Corpus

__all__ = ['NGramCorpus']

[docs]class NGramCorpus(object): """The NGramCorpus class. Internally, this is a set of recursively embedded dicts, with n layers for a corpus of n-grams. E.g. for a trigram corpus, this will be a dict of dicts of dicts. More precisely, collections.Counter is used in place of dict, making multiset operations valid and allowing unattested n-grams to be queried. The key at each level is a word. The value at the most deeply embedded level is a numeric value representing the frequency of the trigram. E.g. the trigram frequency of 'colorless green ideas' would be the value stored in self.ngcorpus['colorless']['green']['ideas'][None]. """ def __init__(self, corpus=None): r"""Initialize Corpus. :param Corpus corpus: The Corpus from which to initialize the n-gram corpus. By default, this is None, which initializes an empty NGramCorpus. This can then be populated using NGramCorpus methods. >>> tqbf = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.\n' >>> tqbf += 'And then it slept.\n And the dog ran off.' >>> ngcorp = NGramCorpus(Corpus(tqbf)) """ self.ngcorpus = Counter() if corpus is None: return elif isinstance(corpus, Corpus): self.corpus_importer(corpus) else: raise TypeError( 'Corpus argument must be None or of type ' + 'abydos.Corpus. ' + str(type(corpus)) + ' found.' )
[docs] def corpus_importer(self, corpus, n_val=1, bos='_START_', eos='_END_'): r"""Fill in self.ngcorpus from a Corpus argument. :param Corpus corpus: The Corpus from which to initialize the n-gram corpus :param int n_val: maximum n value for n-grams :param str bos: string to insert as an indicator of beginning of sentence :param str eos: string to insert as an indicator of end of sentence >>> tqbf = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.\n' >>> tqbf += 'And then it slept.\n And the dog ran off.' >>> ngcorp = NGramCorpus() >>> ngcorp.corpus_importer(Corpus(tqbf)) """ if not corpus or not isinstance(corpus, Corpus): raise TypeError('Corpus argument of the Corpus class required.') sentences = corpus.sents() for sent in sentences: ngs = Counter(sent) for key in ngs.keys(): self._add_to_ngcorpus(self.ngcorpus, [key], ngs[key]) if n_val > 1: if bos and bos != '': sent = [bos] + sent if eos and eos != '': sent += [eos] for i in range(2, n_val + 1): for j in range(len(sent) - i + 1): self._add_to_ngcorpus( self.ngcorpus, sent[j : j + i], 1 )
[docs] def get_count(self, ngram, corpus=None): r"""Get the count of an n-gram in the corpus. :param str ngram: The n-gram to retrieve the count of from the n-gram corpus :param Corpus corpus: The corpus :type ngram: list, tuple, or string :returns: The n-gram count :rtype: int >>> tqbf = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.\n' >>> tqbf += 'And then it slept.\n And the dog ran off.' >>> ngcorp = NGramCorpus(Corpus(tqbf)) >>> NGramCorpus(Corpus(tqbf)).get_count('the') 2 >>> NGramCorpus(Corpus(tqbf)).get_count('fox') 1 """ if not corpus: corpus = self.ngcorpus # if ngram is empty, we're at our leaf node and should return the # value in None if not ngram: return corpus[None] # support strings or lists/tuples by splitting strings if isinstance(ngram, (text_type, str)): ngram = text_type(ngram).split() # if ngram is not empty, check whether the next element is in the # corpus; if so, recurse--if not, return 0 if ngram[0] in corpus: return self.get_count(ngram[1:], corpus[ngram[0]]) return 0
def _add_to_ngcorpus(self, corpus, words, count): """Build up a corpus entry recursively.""" if words[0] not in corpus: corpus[words[0]] = Counter() if len(words) == 1: corpus[words[0]][None] += count else: self._add_to_ngcorpus(corpus[words[0]], words[1:], count)
[docs] def gng_importer(self, corpus_file): """Fill in self.ngcorpus from a Google NGram corpus file. :param file corpus_file: The Google NGram file from which to initialize the n-gram corpus """ with c_open(corpus_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as gng: for line in gng: line = line.rstrip().split('\t') words = line[0].split() self._add_to_ngcorpus(self.ngcorpus, words, int(line[2]))
[docs] def tf(self, term): r"""Return term frequency. :param str term: The term for which to calculate tf :returns: The term frequency (tf) :rtype: float >>> tqbf = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.\n' >>> tqbf += 'And then it slept.\n And the dog ran off.' >>> ngcorp = NGramCorpus(Corpus(tqbf)) >>> NGramCorpus(Corpus(tqbf)).tf('the') 1.3010299956639813 >>> NGramCorpus(Corpus(tqbf)).tf('fox') 1.0 """ if ' ' in term: raise ValueError( 'tf can only calculate the term frequency of' + 'individual words' ) tcount = self.get_count(term) if tcount == 0: return 0.0 return 1 + log10(tcount)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()