Source code for abydos.stemmer._snowball

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2014-2018 by Christopher C. Little.
# This file is part of Abydos.
# Abydos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Abydos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Abydos. If not, see <>.


The stemmer._snowball module defines the stemmers:

    - Porter
    - Porter2 (Snowball English)
    - Snowball German
    - Snowball Dutch
    - Snowball Norwegian
    - Snowball Swedish
    - Snowball Danish

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from unicodedata import normalize

from six import text_type
from six.moves import range

__all__ = [

def _m_degree(term, vowels):
    """Return Porter helper function _m_degree value.

    m-degree is equal to the number of V to C transitions

    :param str term: the word for which to calculate the m-degree
    :param set vowels: the set of vowels in the language
    :returns: the m-degree as defined in the Porter stemmer definition
    :rtype: int
    mdeg = 0
    last_was_vowel = False
    for letter in term:
        if letter in vowels:
            last_was_vowel = True
            if last_was_vowel:
                mdeg += 1
            last_was_vowel = False
    return mdeg

def _sb_has_vowel(term, vowels):
    """Return Porter helper function _sb_has_vowel value.

    :param str term: the word to scan for vowels
    :param set vowels: the set of vowels in the language
    :returns: true iff a vowel exists in the term (as defined in the Porter
        stemmer definition)
    :rtype: bool
    for letter in term:
        if letter in vowels:
            return True
    return False

def _ends_in_doubled_cons(term, vowels):
    """Return Porter helper function _ends_in_doubled_cons value.

    :param str term: the word to check for a final doubled consonant
    :param set vowels: the set of vowels in the language
    :returns: true iff the stem ends in a doubled consonant (as defined in the
        Porter stemmer definition)
    :rtype: bool
    return len(term) > 1 and term[-1] not in vowels and term[-2] == term[-1]

def _ends_in_cvc(term, vowels):
    """Return Porter helper function _ends_in_cvc value.

    :param str term: the word to scan for cvc
    :param set vowels: the set of vowels in the language
    :returns: true iff the stem ends in cvc (as defined in the Porter stemmer
    :rtype: bool
    return len(term) > 2 and (
        term[-1] not in vowels
        and term[-2] in vowels
        and term[-3] not in vowels
        and term[-1] not in tuple('wxY')

[docs]def porter(word, early_english=False): """Return Porter stem. The Porter stemmer is described in :cite:`Porter:1980`. :param str word: the word to calculate the stem of :param bool early_english: set to True in order to remove -eth & -est (2nd & 3rd person singular verbal agreement suffixes) :returns: word stem :rtype: str >>> porter('reading') 'read' >>> porter('suspension') 'suspens' >>> porter('elusiveness') 'elus' >>> porter('eateth', early_english=True) 'eat' """ # lowercase, normalize, and compose word = normalize('NFC', text_type(word.lower())) # Return word if stem is shorter than 2 if len(word) < 3: return word _vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y'} # Re-map consonantal y to Y (Y will be C, y will be V) if word[0] == 'y': word = 'Y' + word[1:] for i in range(1, len(word)): if word[i] == 'y' and word[i - 1] in _vowels: word = word[:i] + 'Y' + word[i + 1 :] # Step 1a if word[-1] == 's': if word[-4:] == 'sses': word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] == 'ies': word = word[:-2] elif word[-2:] == 'ss': pass else: word = word[:-1] # Step 1b step1b_flag = False if word[-3:] == 'eed': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-1] elif word[-2:] == 'ed': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-2], _vowels): word = word[:-2] step1b_flag = True elif word[-3:] == 'ing': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-3], _vowels): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True elif early_english: if word[-3:] == 'est': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-3], _vowels): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True elif word[-3:] == 'eth': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-3], _vowels): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True if step1b_flag: if word[-2:] in {'at', 'bl', 'iz'}: word += 'e' elif _ends_in_doubled_cons(word, _vowels) and word[-1] not in { 'l', 's', 'z', }: word = word[:-1] elif _m_degree(word, _vowels) == 1 and _ends_in_cvc(word, _vowels): word += 'e' # Step 1c if word[-1] in {'Y', 'y'} and _sb_has_vowel(word[:-1], _vowels): word = word[:-1] + 'i' # Step 2 if len(word) > 1: if word[-2] == 'a': if word[-7:] == 'ational': if _m_degree(word[:-7], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-5] + 'e' elif word[-6:] == 'tional': if _m_degree(word[:-6], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2] == 'c': if word[-4:] in {'enci', 'anci'}: if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-1] + 'e' elif word[-2] == 'e': if word[-4:] == 'izer': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-1] elif word[-2] == 'g': if word[-4:] == 'logi': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-1] elif word[-2] == 'l': if word[-3:] == 'bli': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-1] + 'e' elif word[-4:] == 'alli': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-2] elif word[-5:] == 'entli': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] == 'eli': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-2] elif word[-5:] == 'ousli': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2] == 'o': if word[-7:] == 'ization': if _m_degree(word[:-7], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-5] + 'e' elif word[-5:] == 'ation': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-3] + 'e' elif word[-4:] == 'ator': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-2] + 'e' elif word[-2] == 's': if word[-5:] == 'alism': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-3] elif word[-7:] in {'iveness', 'fulness', 'ousness'}: if _m_degree(word[:-7], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-4] elif word[-2] == 't': if word[-5:] == 'aliti': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'iviti': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-3] + 'e' elif word[-6:] == 'biliti': if _m_degree(word[:-6], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-5] + 'le' # Step 3 if word[-5:] == 'icate': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'ative': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-5] elif word[-5:] in {'alize', 'iciti'}: if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-3] elif word[-4:] == 'ical': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] == 'ful': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-3] elif word[-4:] == 'ness': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 0: word = word[:-4] # Step 4 if word[-2:] == 'al': if _m_degree(word[:-2], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-2] elif word[-4:] == 'ance': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-4] elif word[-4:] == 'ence': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-4] elif word[-2:] == 'er': if _m_degree(word[:-2], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2:] == 'ic': if _m_degree(word[:-2], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-2] elif word[-4:] == 'able': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-4] elif word[-4:] == 'ible': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-4] elif word[-3:] == 'ant': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'ement': if _m_degree(word[:-5], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-5] elif word[-4:] == 'ment': if _m_degree(word[:-4], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-4] elif word[-3:] == 'ent': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] elif word[-4:] in {'sion', 'tion'}: if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] elif word[-2:] == 'ou': if _m_degree(word[:-2], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] == 'ism': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] elif word[-3:] == 'ate': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] elif word[-3:] == 'iti': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] elif word[-3:] == 'ous': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] elif word[-3:] == 'ive': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] elif word[-3:] == 'ize': if _m_degree(word[:-3], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-3] # Step 5a if word[-1] == 'e': if _m_degree(word[:-1], _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-1] elif _m_degree(word[:-1], _vowels) == 1 and not _ends_in_cvc( word[:-1], _vowels ): word = word[:-1] # Step 5b if word[-2:] == 'll' and _m_degree(word, _vowels) > 1: word = word[:-1] # Change 'Y' back to 'y' if it survived stemming for i in range(len(word)): if word[i] == 'Y': word = word[:i] + 'y' + word[i + 1 :] return word
def _sb_r1(term, vowels, r1_prefixes=None): """Return the R1 region, as defined in the Porter2 specification.""" vowel_found = False if hasattr(r1_prefixes, '__iter__'): for prefix in r1_prefixes: if term[: len(prefix)] == prefix: return len(prefix) for i in range(len(term)): if not vowel_found and term[i] in vowels: vowel_found = True elif vowel_found and term[i] not in vowels: return i + 1 return len(term) def _sb_r2(term, vowels, r1_prefixes=None): """Return the R2 region, as defined in the Porter2 specification.""" r1_start = _sb_r1(term, vowels, r1_prefixes) return r1_start + _sb_r1(term[r1_start:], vowels) def _sb_ends_in_short_syllable(term, vowels, codanonvowels): """Return True iff term ends in a short syllable. (...according to the Porter2 specification.) NB: This is akin to the CVC test from the Porter stemmer. The description is unfortunately poor/ambiguous. """ if not term: return False if len(term) == 2: if term[-2] in vowels and term[-1] not in vowels: return True elif len(term) >= 3: if ( term[-3] not in vowels and term[-2] in vowels and term[-1] in codanonvowels ): return True return False def _sb_short_word(term, vowels, codanonvowels, r1_prefixes=None): """Return True iff term is a short word. (...according to the Porter2 specification.) """ if _sb_r1(term, vowels, r1_prefixes) == len( term ) and _sb_ends_in_short_syllable(term, vowels, codanonvowels): return True return False
[docs]def porter2(word, early_english=False): """Return the Porter2 (Snowball English) stem. The Porter2 (Snowball English) stemmer is defined in :cite:`Porter:2002`. :param str word: the word to calculate the stem of :param bool early_english: set to True in order to remove -eth & -est (2nd & 3rd person singular verbal agreement suffixes) :returns: word stem :rtype: str >>> porter2('reading') 'read' >>> porter2('suspension') 'suspens' >>> porter2('elusiveness') 'elus' >>> porter2('eateth', early_english=True) 'eat' """ _vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y'} _codanonvowels = { "'", 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'z', } _doubles = {'bb', 'dd', 'ff', 'gg', 'mm', 'nn', 'pp', 'rr', 'tt'} _li = {'c', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'h', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'r', 't'} # R1 prefixes should be in order from longest to shortest to prevent # masking _r1_prefixes = ('commun', 'gener', 'arsen') _exception1dict = { # special changes: 'skis': 'ski', 'skies': 'sky', 'dying': 'die', 'lying': 'lie', 'tying': 'tie', # special -LY cases: 'idly': 'idl', 'gently': 'gentl', 'ugly': 'ugli', 'early': 'earli', 'only': 'onli', 'singly': 'singl', } _exception1set = { 'sky', 'news', 'howe', 'atlas', 'cosmos', 'bias', 'andes', } _exception2set = { 'inning', 'outing', 'canning', 'herring', 'earring', 'proceed', 'exceed', 'succeed', } # lowercase, normalize, and compose word = normalize('NFC', text_type(word.lower())) # replace apostrophe-like characters with U+0027, per # word = word.replace('’', '\'') word = word.replace('’', '\'') # Exceptions 1 if word in _exception1dict: return _exception1dict[word] elif word in _exception1set: return word # Return word if stem is shorter than 3 if len(word) < 3: return word # Remove initial ', if present. while word and word[0] == '\'': word = word[1:] # Return word if stem is shorter than 2 if len(word) < 2: return word # Re-map vocalic Y to y (Y will be C, y will be V) if word[0] == 'y': word = 'Y' + word[1:] for i in range(1, len(word)): if word[i] == 'y' and word[i - 1] in _vowels: word = word[:i] + 'Y' + word[i + 1 :] r1_start = _sb_r1(word, _vowels, _r1_prefixes) r2_start = _sb_r2(word, _vowels, _r1_prefixes) # Step 0 if word[-3:] == '\'s\'': word = word[:-3] elif word[-2:] == '\'s': word = word[:-2] elif word[-1:] == '\'': word = word[:-1] # Return word if stem is shorter than 2 if len(word) < 3: return word # Step 1a if word[-4:] == 'sses': word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] in {'ied', 'ies'}: if len(word) > 4: word = word[:-2] else: word = word[:-1] elif word[-2:] in {'us', 'ss'}: pass elif word[-1] == 's': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-2], _vowels): word = word[:-1] # Exceptions 2 if word in _exception2set: return word # Step 1b step1b_flag = False if word[-5:] == 'eedly': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'ingly': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-5], _vowels): word = word[:-5] step1b_flag = True elif word[-4:] == 'edly': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-4], _vowels): word = word[:-4] step1b_flag = True elif word[-3:] == 'eed': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-1] elif word[-3:] == 'ing': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-3], _vowels): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True elif word[-2:] == 'ed': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-2], _vowels): word = word[:-2] step1b_flag = True elif early_english: if word[-3:] == 'est': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-3], _vowels): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True elif word[-3:] == 'eth': if _sb_has_vowel(word[:-3], _vowels): word = word[:-3] step1b_flag = True if step1b_flag: if word[-2:] in {'at', 'bl', 'iz'}: word += 'e' elif word[-2:] in _doubles: word = word[:-1] elif _sb_short_word(word, _vowels, _codanonvowels, _r1_prefixes): word += 'e' # Step 1c if len(word) > 2 and word[-1] in {'Y', 'y'} and word[-2] not in _vowels: word = word[:-1] + 'i' # Step 2 if word[-2] == 'a': if word[-7:] == 'ational': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 7: word = word[:-5] + 'e' elif word[-6:] == 'tional': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 6: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2] == 'c': if word[-4:] in {'enci', 'anci'}: if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-1] + 'e' elif word[-2] == 'e': if word[-4:] == 'izer': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-1] elif word[-2] == 'g': if word[-3:] == 'ogi': if r1_start >= 1 and len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3 and word[-4] == 'l': word = word[:-1] elif word[-2] == 'l': if word[-6:] == 'lessli': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 6: word = word[:-2] elif word[-5:] in {'entli', 'fulli', 'ousli'}: if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-2] elif word[-4:] == 'abli': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-1] + 'e' elif word[-4:] == 'alli': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] == 'bli': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-1] + 'e' elif word[-2:] == 'li': if r1_start >= 1 and len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2 and word[-3] in _li: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2] == 'o': if word[-7:] == 'ization': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 7: word = word[:-5] + 'e' elif word[-5:] == 'ation': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] + 'e' elif word[-4:] == 'ator': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-2] + 'e' elif word[-2] == 's': if word[-7:] in {'fulness', 'ousness', 'iveness'}: if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 7: word = word[:-4] elif word[-5:] == 'alism': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] elif word[-2] == 't': if word[-6:] == 'biliti': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 6: word = word[:-5] + 'le' elif word[-5:] == 'aliti': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'iviti': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] + 'e' # Step 3 if word[-7:] == 'ational': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 7: word = word[:-5] + 'e' elif word[-6:] == 'tional': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 6: word = word[:-2] elif word[-5:] in {'alize', 'icate', 'iciti'}: if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] elif word[-5:] == 'ative': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-5] elif word[-4:] == 'ical': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-2] elif word[-4:] == 'ness': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-4] elif word[-3:] == 'ful': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-3] # Step 4 for suffix in ( 'ement', 'ance', 'ence', 'able', 'ible', 'ment', 'ant', 'ent', 'ism', 'ate', 'iti', 'ous', 'ive', 'ize', 'al', 'er', 'ic', ): if word[-len(suffix) :] == suffix: if len(word[r2_start:]) >= len(suffix): word = word[: -len(suffix)] break else: if word[-3:] == 'ion': if ( len(word[r2_start:]) >= 3 and len(word) >= 4 and word[-4] in tuple('st') ): word = word[:-3] # Step 5 if word[-1] == 'e': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 1 or ( len(word[r1_start:]) >= 1 and not _sb_ends_in_short_syllable( word[:-1], _vowels, _codanonvowels ) ): word = word[:-1] elif word[-1] == 'l': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 1 and word[-2] == 'l': word = word[:-1] # Change 'Y' back to 'y' if it survived stemming for i in range(0, len(word)): if word[i] == 'Y': word = word[:i] + 'y' + word[i + 1 :] return word
[docs]def sb_german(word, alternate_vowels=False): """Return Snowball German stem. The Snowball German stemmer is defined at: :param str word: the word to calculate the stem of :param bool alternate_vowels: composes ae as ä, oe as ö, and ue as ü before running the algorithm :returns: word stem :rtype: str >>> sb_german('lesen') 'les' >>> sb_german('graues') 'grau' >>> sb_german('buchstabieren') 'buchstabi' """ _vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'ä', 'ö', 'ü'} _s_endings = {'b', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'r', 't'} _st_endings = {'b', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 't'} # lowercase, normalize, and compose word = normalize('NFC', word.lower()) word = word.replace('ß', 'ss') if len(word) > 2: for i in range(2, len(word)): if word[i] in _vowels and word[i - 2] in _vowels: if word[i - 1] == 'u': word = word[: i - 1] + 'U' + word[i:] elif word[i - 1] == 'y': word = word[: i - 1] + 'Y' + word[i:] if alternate_vowels: word = word.replace('ae', 'ä') word = word.replace('oe', 'ö') word = word.replace('que', 'Q') word = word.replace('ue', 'ü') word = word.replace('Q', 'que') r1_start = max(3, _sb_r1(word, _vowels)) r2_start = _sb_r2(word, _vowels) # Step 1 niss_flag = False if word[-3:] == 'ern': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-3] elif word[-2:] == 'em': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2:] == 'er': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2:] == 'en': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2: word = word[:-2] niss_flag = True elif word[-2:] == 'es': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2: word = word[:-2] niss_flag = True elif word[-1:] == 'e': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 1: word = word[:-1] niss_flag = True elif word[-1:] == 's': if ( len(word[r1_start:]) >= 1 and len(word) >= 2 and word[-2] in _s_endings ): word = word[:-1] if niss_flag and word[-4:] == 'niss': word = word[:-1] # Step 2 if word[-3:] == 'est': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-3] elif word[-2:] == 'en': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2:] == 'er': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2: word = word[:-2] elif word[-2:] == 'st': if ( len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2 and len(word) >= 6 and word[-3] in _st_endings ): word = word[:-2] # Step 3 if word[-4:] == 'isch': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 4 and word[-5] != 'e': word = word[:-4] elif word[-4:] in {'lich', 'heit'}: if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-4] if word[-2:] in {'er', 'en'} and len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2: word = word[:-2] elif word[-4:] == 'keit': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-4] if word[-4:] == 'lich' and len(word[r2_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-4] elif word[-2:] == 'ig' and len(word[r2_start:]) >= 2: word = word[:-2] elif word[-3:] in {'end', 'ung'}: if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-3] if ( word[-2:] == 'ig' and len(word[r2_start:]) >= 2 and word[-3] != 'e' ): word = word[:-2] elif word[-2:] in {'ig', 'ik'}: if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 2 and word[-3] != 'e': word = word[:-2] # Change 'Y' and 'U' back to lowercase if survived stemming for i in range(0, len(word)): if word[i] == 'Y': word = word[:i] + 'y' + word[i + 1 :] elif word[i] == 'U': word = word[:i] + 'u' + word[i + 1 :] # Remove umlauts _umlauts = dict(zip((ord(_) for _ in 'äöü'), 'aou')) word = word.translate(_umlauts) return word
[docs]def sb_dutch(word): """Return Snowball Dutch stem. The Snowball Dutch stemmer is defined at: :param str word: the word to calculate the stem of :returns: word stem :rtype: str >>> sb_dutch('lezen') 'lez' >>> sb_dutch('opschorting') 'opschort' >>> sb_dutch('ongrijpbaarheid') 'ongrijp' """ _vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'è'} _not_s_endings = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'j', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'è'} def _undouble(word): """Undouble endings -kk, -dd, and -tt.""" if ( len(word) > 1 and word[-1] == word[-2] and word[-1] in {'d', 'k', 't'} ): return word[:-1] return word # lowercase, normalize, decompose, filter umlauts & acutes out, and compose word = normalize('NFC', text_type(word.lower())) _accented = dict(zip((ord(_) for _ in 'äëïöüáéíóú'), 'aeiouaeiou')) word = word.translate(_accented) for i in range(len(word)): if i == 0 and word[0] == 'y': word = 'Y' + word[1:] elif word[i] == 'y' and word[i - 1] in _vowels: word = word[:i] + 'Y' + word[i + 1 :] elif ( word[i] == 'i' and word[i - 1] in _vowels and i + 1 < len(word) and word[i + 1] in _vowels ): word = word[:i] + 'I' + word[i + 1 :] r1_start = max(3, _sb_r1(word, _vowels)) r2_start = _sb_r2(word, _vowels) # Step 1 if word[-5:] == 'heden': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 5: word = word[:-3] + 'id' elif word[-3:] == 'ene': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 3 and ( word[-4] not in _vowels and word[-6:-3] != 'gem' ): word = _undouble(word[:-3]) elif word[-2:] == 'en': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2 and ( word[-3] not in _vowels and word[-5:-2] != 'gem' ): word = _undouble(word[:-2]) elif word[-2:] == 'se': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2 and word[-3] not in _not_s_endings: word = word[:-2] elif word[-1:] == 's': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 1 and word[-2] not in _not_s_endings: word = word[:-1] # Step 2 e_removed = False if word[-1:] == 'e': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 1 and word[-2] not in _vowels: word = _undouble(word[:-1]) e_removed = True # Step 3a if word[-4:] == 'heid': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 4 and word[-5] != 'c': word = word[:-4] if word[-2:] == 'en': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 2 and ( word[-3] not in _vowels and word[-5:-2] != 'gem' ): word = _undouble(word[:-2]) # Step 3b if word[-4:] == 'lijk': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-4] # Repeat step 2 if word[-1:] == 'e': if len(word[r1_start:]) >= 1 and word[-2] not in _vowels: word = _undouble(word[:-1]) elif word[-4:] == 'baar': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 4: word = word[:-4] elif word[-3:] in ('end', 'ing'): if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 3: word = word[:-3] if ( word[-2:] == 'ig' and len(word[r2_start:]) >= 2 and word[-3] != 'e' ): word = word[:-2] else: word = _undouble(word) elif word[-3:] == 'bar': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 3 and e_removed: word = word[:-3] elif word[-2:] == 'ig': if len(word[r2_start:]) >= 2 and word[-3] != 'e': word = word[:-2] # Step 4 if ( len(word) >= 4 and word[-3] == word[-2] and word[-2] in {'a', 'e', 'o', 'u'} and word[-4] not in _vowels and word[-1] not in _vowels and word[-1] != 'I' ): word = word[:-2] + word[-1] # Change 'Y' and 'U' back to lowercase if survived stemming for i in range(0, len(word)): if word[i] == 'Y': word = word[:i] + 'y' + word[i + 1 :] elif word[i] == 'I': word = word[:i] + 'i' + word[i + 1 :] return word
[docs]def sb_norwegian(word): """Return Snowball Norwegian stem. The Snowball Norwegian stemmer is defined at: :param str word: the word to calculate the stem of :returns: word stem :rtype: str >>> sb_norwegian('lese') 'les' >>> sb_norwegian('suspensjon') 'suspensjon' >>> sb_norwegian('sikkerhet') 'sikker' """ _vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'å', 'æ', 'ø'} _s_endings = { 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 't', 'v', 'y', 'z', } # lowercase, normalize, and compose word = normalize('NFC', text_type(word.lower())) r1_start = min(max(3, _sb_r1(word, _vowels)), len(word)) # Step 1 _r1 = word[r1_start:] if _r1[-7:] == 'hetenes': word = word[:-7] elif _r1[-6:] in {'hetene', 'hetens'}: word = word[:-6] elif _r1[-5:] in {'heten', 'heter', 'endes'}: word = word[:-5] elif _r1[-4:] in {'ande', 'ende', 'edes', 'enes', 'erte'}: if word[-4:] == 'erte': word = word[:-2] else: word = word[:-4] elif _r1[-3:] in { 'ede', 'ane', 'ene', 'ens', 'ers', 'ets', 'het', 'ast', 'ert', }: if word[-3:] == 'ert': word = word[:-1] else: word = word[:-3] elif _r1[-2:] in {'en', 'ar', 'er', 'as', 'es', 'et'}: word = word[:-2] elif _r1[-1:] in {'a', 'e'}: word = word[:-1] elif _r1[-1:] == 's': if (len(word) > 1 and word[-2] in _s_endings) or ( len(word) > 2 and word[-2] == 'k' and word[-3] not in _vowels ): word = word[:-1] # Step 2 if word[r1_start:][-2:] in {'dt', 'vt'}: word = word[:-1] # Step 3 _r1 = word[r1_start:] if _r1[-7:] == 'hetslov': word = word[:-7] elif _r1[-4:] in {'eleg', 'elig', 'elov', 'slov'}: word = word[:-4] elif _r1[-3:] in {'leg', 'eig', 'lig', 'els', 'lov'}: word = word[:-3] elif _r1[-2:] == 'ig': word = word[:-2] return word
[docs]def sb_swedish(word): """Return Snowball Swedish stem. The Snowball Swedish stemmer is defined at: :param str word: the word to calculate the stem of :returns: word stem :rtype: str >>> sb_swedish('undervisa') 'undervis' >>> sb_swedish('suspension') 'suspension' >>> sb_swedish('visshet') 'viss' """ _vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'ä', 'å', 'ö'} _s_endings = { 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 't', 'v', 'y', } # lowercase, normalize, and compose word = normalize('NFC', text_type(word.lower())) r1_start = min(max(3, _sb_r1(word, _vowels)), len(word)) # Step 1 _r1 = word[r1_start:] if _r1[-7:] == 'heterna': word = word[:-7] elif _r1[-6:] == 'hetens': word = word[:-6] elif _r1[-5:] in { 'anden', 'heten', 'heter', 'arnas', 'ernas', 'ornas', 'andes', 'arens', 'andet', }: word = word[:-5] elif _r1[-4:] in { 'arna', 'erna', 'orna', 'ande', 'arne', 'aste', 'aren', 'ades', 'erns', }: word = word[:-4] elif _r1[-3:] in {'ade', 'are', 'ern', 'ens', 'het', 'ast'}: word = word[:-3] elif _r1[-2:] in {'ad', 'en', 'ar', 'er', 'or', 'as', 'es', 'at'}: word = word[:-2] elif _r1[-1:] in {'a', 'e'}: word = word[:-1] elif _r1[-1:] == 's': if len(word) > 1 and word[-2] in _s_endings: word = word[:-1] # Step 2 if word[r1_start:][-2:] in {'dd', 'gd', 'nn', 'dt', 'gt', 'kt', 'tt'}: word = word[:-1] # Step 3 _r1 = word[r1_start:] if _r1[-5:] == 'fullt': word = word[:-1] elif _r1[-4:] == 'löst': word = word[:-1] elif _r1[-3:] in {'lig', 'els'}: word = word[:-3] elif _r1[-2:] == 'ig': word = word[:-2] return word
[docs]def sb_danish(word): """Return Snowball Danish stem. The Snowball Danish stemmer is defined at: :param str word: the word to calculate the stem of :returns: word stem :rtype: str >>> sb_danish('underviser') 'undervis' >>> sb_danish('suspension') 'suspension' >>> sb_danish('sikkerhed') 'sikker' """ _vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'å', 'æ', 'ø'} _s_endings = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 't', 'v', 'y', 'z', 'å', } # lowercase, normalize, and compose word = normalize('NFC', text_type(word.lower())) r1_start = min(max(3, _sb_r1(word, _vowels)), len(word)) # Step 1 _r1 = word[r1_start:] if _r1[-7:] == 'erendes': word = word[:-7] elif _r1[-6:] in {'erende', 'hedens'}: word = word[:-6] elif _r1[-5:] in { 'ethed', 'erede', 'heden', 'heder', 'endes', 'ernes', 'erens', 'erets', }: word = word[:-5] elif _r1[-4:] in { 'ered', 'ende', 'erne', 'eren', 'erer', 'heds', 'enes', 'eres', 'eret', }: word = word[:-4] elif _r1[-3:] in {'hed', 'ene', 'ere', 'ens', 'ers', 'ets'}: word = word[:-3] elif _r1[-2:] in {'en', 'er', 'es', 'et'}: word = word[:-2] elif _r1[-1:] == 'e': word = word[:-1] elif _r1[-1:] == 's': if len(word) > 1 and word[-2] in _s_endings: word = word[:-1] # Step 2 if word[r1_start:][-2:] in {'gd', 'dt', 'gt', 'kt'}: word = word[:-1] # Step 3 if word[-4:] == 'igst': word = word[:-2] _r1 = word[r1_start:] repeat_step2 = False if _r1[-4:] == 'elig': word = word[:-4] repeat_step2 = True elif _r1[-4:] == 'løst': word = word[:-1] elif _r1[-3:] in {'lig', 'els'}: word = word[:-3] repeat_step2 = True elif _r1[-2:] == 'ig': word = word[:-2] repeat_step2 = True if repeat_step2: if word[r1_start:][-2:] in {'gd', 'dt', 'gt', 'kt'}: word = word[:-1] # Step 4 if ( len(word[r1_start:]) >= 1 and len(word) >= 2 and word[-1] == word[-2] and word[-1] not in _vowels ): word = word[:-1] return word
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()